B-Slenda is a weight management tablet that promises to help the user “Say Goodbye to Fat!” by reducing the amount of fat absorbed from their food.
The tablets are manufactured in Denmark by Pharma Nord, and shipped worldwide, but the majority of their marketing efforts are focused towards European customers.
Pharma Nord is a respected company that produces a variety of pharmaceutical and nutritional supplements, but there are still many things that suggest B-Slenda may not be one of the better weight management tools on the market.
Claims: To be able to bind fat using indigestible fibre source from shellfish
Positives: From a reputable company
Negatives: Although fat binding is a research driven and clinical proven mechanic of action, using shellfish instead of a plant source is a major negative in our view.
What Is B-Slenda and how does it Work?
B-Slenda is a fat binder. The tablets dissolve in the stomach, but the stomach is unable to digest them so they lay in wait, ambush the majority of fat from the meal, and carry it through the intestines, allowing it to be passed—undigested—in the normal way.
Pharma Nord state each tablet can bind (absorb) up to 20 grams of fat (180 calories). If that is true the benefits of the tablets speak for themselves.
Usage Instructions
Tablets should be taken with a large glass of water just before eating or up to half an hour before “fatty” meals.
For weight stabilization the manufacturers recommend one tablet, taken twice a day.
For weight loss they recommend two tablets, twice a day.
They also state that effects can be enhanced by taking regular exercise and eating a varied diet that is low in sugar and calories, but some aspects of their marketing campaign could be seen to suggest their tablets promise to enable the dieters to eat unhealthy foods without having to answer to the bathroom scales:
- The product website shows a plate of tasty-looking fries.
- The usage instructions suggest taking the tablets “before fatty meals”—surely fatty meals would be better avoided in the first place.
They also state:
[plain]”This product will support you in your attempts to obtain or maintain weight loss without drastic measures such as crash dieting, calorie-counting and abstinence.”[/plain]
This is all seems to paint an underlying picture of a magic pill that enables people to have their cake and eat it without any consequences.
Pharma Nord fail to supply any information about the ingredients used other than the key ingredient is a patented formulation called FibrePrecise. Its patented status means Pharma Nord are not required to provide in depth information about the formulation.
A situation like this is less than desirable because it makes it very hard to speculate on any potential benefits the blend may have.
It is known, however, that FibrePrecise contains extracts taken from a species of Icelandic deep-sea shrimp. The extract is called Chitosan, and it can also be sourced from lobsters and crabs, so the formulation will be unsuitable for vegetarians and anyone who is allergic to seafood.
Customer Feedback
No customer feedback could be found at the time of this review.
Side Effects and Health Issues
If Pharma Nord are aware of any issues resulting from the use of B-Slenda they have neglected to share the information, but as already stated the tablets will not be suitable for anyone who is allergic to seafood, and the lack of a complete ingredient profile is also a cause for concern. It is impossible to say what kind of side effects the tablets might produce or if any particular user-groups are likely to be more vulnerable to negative issues.
Pregnant and Nursing mothers should avoid using B-Slenda and any other potential users are strongly advised to seek medical advice before use.
The Bottom Line
Pharma Nord is a well-established company, and there can be little doubt of their integrity, but it is impossible to recommend the use of B-Slenda at this time. The product has never been tested and the company fail to provide enough information about their chosen ingredients to allow effective speculation about any potential the product may have—or any dangers it may present.
Fat binders and fat blockers can be an effective tool in the fight against obesity—of this there can be no doubt—but they are not the only tool available and B-Slenda is not the only fat binder on the market. Customer Feedback is unavailable. No money back guarantee is offered. The consumer is advised to look elsewhere.
Where To Buy B-Slenda
Purchases can be made from Amazon or from Pharma Nord’s online store. The product can also be found on the shelves on many stores and the B-Slenda website provides a handy store finding tool.
The predominant use of white and soft-tone pinks on the product packaging and on the website suggests Pharma Nord is targeting female customers.
Prices seem to remain consistent throughout all sales channels. Customers pay about £13 for a box of 40 tablets, but the official site invariably states the price has been reduced from £19.95 for a limited time only.
[warning]B-Slenda is far from being the most expensive weight management option on the market, but neither is it the cheapest and we were rather surprised to discover Pharma Nord do not offer a money back guarantee.[/warning]
We Recommend…
One of the best products we have reviewed is Garcinia Cambogia a natural fat burner that can help users significantly reduce their calorie consumption.
Garcinia Cambogia can also help to suppress appetite – these two mechanics of action (fat burning and appetite suppression) are the two most effective in existence.
Click here to read more about the fat burning potential of Garcinia Cambogia
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