Last updated on August 21st, 2018
Flawless Keto is a diet pill brought to market by GMP Distribution and distributed under the Flawless Keto Diet brand name.
The company is based in Illinois and specializes in reverse logistics, domestic distribution, and international trading so diet pill manufacturing is not their thing.
That means the pills must be bought-in and the identity and location of the true manufacturer is not disclosed.
We did some checks and found the same formulation is available to buy from Amazon under a number of different brand names so we’re guessing it’s a private label product.
There’s nothing wrong with that as such. It’s just preferable to know the true origin of any product you are going to be allowing into your body.
Claims: Flawless Keto is designed to place the body in a state of ketosis.
Positives: Some good ingredients
Negatives: Very Gimmicky, others preferred
What Is Flawless Keto and How Does It Work?
As with any other diet pill that has “keto” in the name, Flawless Keto is designed to place the body in a state of ketosis.
This is a condition that normally occurs when the body experiences a severe lack of carbohydrate (the body’s main source of fuel).
Last updated on August 21st, 2018
Many people try to achieve this state by sticking to a low carb “keto” diet because when the body is in a state of ketosis it starts breaking down its stores of fat to create ketones to use as a source of energy instead.
Many diet pill formulations that are intended to promote ketosis contain carb-blocking ingredients and it’s easy to see the reasoning behind such inclusions.
However, the formulation used in Flawless Keto and its clone products doesn’t contain any carb blocking ingredients at all.
Key Ingredients
Two capsules provide 800mgs of a proprietary blend that consists of undisclosed quantities of three chemical compounds:
- Magnesium Beta Hydroxybutyrate
- Calcium Beta Hydroxybutyrate
- Sodium Beta Hydroxybutyrate
These three mineral salts all essentially do the same thing—they provide a compound called Beta Hydroxybutyrate (BHB). This is one of the ketones created during the fat burning process.
Its main value is as an energy provider and the only evidence that suggests consuming BHB in supplement form may support weight loss comes from a single study that was conducted on laboratory rats.
Ketosis is also alleged to provide a number of other favourable benefits including improved muscle mass and enhanced mental function but some evidence suggests ketones may not be as good for mental well-being as many supplement manufacturers would have people believe.
[info]Usage Instructions – Two capsules should be consumed together once per day. No other usage guidelines are provided.[/info]
Flawless Keto Customer Feedback
Some customer reviews are good, but others are just the opposite and a number of users state they were offered free bottles of pills in exchange for leaving a good review.
A few randomly selected customer comments read:
[plain]”I’ve been using this product for 3.5 weeks and am slowly starting to see some results.”[/plain]
[plain]”Just a lot of false promises and a pack of lies. I was originally losing 1lb a week with diet and exercise and that’s what I’m losing now. These pills don’t do a thing.”[/plain]
[plain]”Seems to do the job if you keep a close eye on your carb intake and get in some exercise a few times a week.”[/plain]
[plain]”These pills don’t work and every time I send an email asking for a refund I get phone calls pestering me to keep taking them for 8 weeks. If I do that it will be too late to get a refund. Sneaky. I don’t like it and will be complaining to the BBB.”[/plain]
Flawless Keto Side Effects and Health Issues
Several users state the product pushed up their blood pressure. Other reported side effects include stomach problems and nausea. We suggest not using Flawless Keto without the prior approval of a doctor.
Purchasing Options and Considerations
Flawless Keto appears to be exclusive to, but worldwide shipping is available.
A 60-day money back guarantee is promised, but several customers who were unhappy with the product and tried to get a refund claim to have had difficulty doing so.
The Bottom Line
Although BHB and other ketones are produced in the body and used as fuel during the fat burning process, we fail to see the logic behind providing them directly to the body.
It would make more sense to encourage a state of ketosis by creating a lack of calories. Flawless Keto does not really appear to create such a state.
It merely pumps the body full of compounds that would be released if such as state were achieved and we are not at all surprised to learn so many people who have used the product in the past claim it does not work.
The allegations of feedback tampering also fail to impress, as does the fact that some customers state it was difficult to get the manufacturer to honour the promise of a money back guarantee.
We don’t have much faith in the abilities of Flawless Keto as a weight loss provider.
In theory, it may offer more value as an energy boosting supplement, but most of the best diet pill on the market do this too while also providing credible weight loss.
If you read the marketing blurb, Flawless Keto sounds like a clever product, but the reality is the smart money is going to go elsewhere.
Last updated on August 21st, 2018
Recommended Diet Pills
We have reviewed and rated 100’s of fat burners, fat blockers, carb blockers and appetite suppressants and compiled our top diet pills list.
The criteria is based on:
- Product efficacy – does it work
- Customer perception – feedback and comments
- Safety – does it cause side effects
- After sales service – customer service
- Value – is it worth the money
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