Full & Slim Diet Drink – can it really help you lose over a stone in a month

Last updated on September 11th, 2015

Slimming drinkA new diet drink will be available shortly (early 2014) called Full & Slim – it is advertised as the “diet drink that acts like a gastric band“. It’s creators suggest that it could help users lose up to a stone in a month and 70% of users who drank it regularly lost over a stone in 6 weeks.

Full & Slim is an appetite suppressant that is designed to help its users cut down on their calorie intake by creating a feeling of satiety (fullness).

Appetite suppressants are incredibly effective and have the ability to help users reach their target weight in the safest and quickest possible manner without fear of lapsing back into old habits.

Arguably the best known appetite suppressant is Phentermine – Phentermine is a prescription only diet drug that is only available after consultation with your GP or doctor – an then only prescribed if you are considered morbidly obese.

[plain]glucomannan-Konjac rootvolunteers given 4g of glucomannan a day for five weeks recorded a 5.1 per cent reduction in body weight, as well as a 5.54 per cent drop in their body mass index and 14 per cent drop in cholesterol.

Full and Slim is priced at £28.95 for a weeks supply …so a full month equates to well over £100

Although Full & Slim is currently receiving media attention in our opinion there are other products that we consider far superior for what are similar ingredients at one third (1/3 ) of the price read more[/plain]

The lack of availability of Phentermine has created a need for natural alternatives with ingredients such as glucomannan entering the fray. Full & Slim utilises glucomannan as well as an amino acid called l-caratine. Although both ingredients receive equal billing, glucomannan is head and shoulders above in terms of suppressing appetite.

Does Full & Slim Work – WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW

We usually do a thorough test and review on products that enter the marketplace but this one has caught everyone by surprise. Does it work? … time will tell but judging by the ingredients it has an awful lot of positives.

Glucomannan Plus reviewFull & Slim is not available yet to buy via the high street buy when it is it should be available in the likes of Boots the Chemist

The ingredients in Full & Slim are not new, they have been used in some of the most popular and effective products currently in circulation. One product being Glucomannan Plus

Glucomannan Plus is a natural appetite suppressant that was originally designed to be used in tandem with the 5:2 Diet (or Dr Michael Mosley’s Fast Diet) – but such is its popularity and effect it has become a standalone diet in its own right.

It uses glucomannan (naturally known as Konjac root) as a main ingredient.

Click here to read more about Glucomannan Plus

About Natalie Jay 279 Articles
Natalie Jay is a writer and freelance journalist specialising in the weight loss industry. She has a strong background in writing product reviews and writes accordingly. Natalie is the head of editorial team of several health related websites. You can read more about Natalie Here


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