Last updated on March 1st, 2021
Coffee has been enjoyed as a beverage since the 14th Century and became a popular first drink of the day long before anyone realized its ability to wake up a pair of bleary eyes was due to the caffeine content of the bean.
More recently, the humble coffee bean—or more particularly green coffee beans—have been the focus of media attention because several studies confirm they contain a substance that can assist weight loss—even without regular exercise and a healthy diet.
Svetol Green Coffee is considered to be the strongest – we review Evolution Slimming’s Svetol brand which is touted to be the best of the lot!
Claims: To contain clinically proven weight loss properties. To burn fat and reduce weight significantly and permanently.
Positives: Considered to be the highest strength Svetol based green coffee product. Containing 4000mg extract and 50% Chlorogenic Acid. produced by Evolution Slimming
Negatives: There are no real negatives as such – a complete product
Pure Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract 4000mg with 50% Chlorogenic Acid
The worlds media is currently exalting the merits of green coffee and its benefits to weight loss. There are numerous brands that have been released all containing varying levels and concentration.
Health experts recommend that green coffee brands should contain at least 45% GCA (Chlorogenic Acid) and a quantity of at least 200mg per serving.
Svetol Green Coffee contains 50% GCA and 400mg per serving (4000mg of extract), making it the strongest green coffee supplement on the market.
The Science Behind the Claims
Green coffee beans are coffee beans in their natural state. The beans used for brewing coffee are roasted, and it cannot be denied the roasting process brings out the flavor, but it also destroys a vital substance hidden deep inside the bean. This magical substance is called chlorogenic acid (often marketed under the name Svetol).
Chlorogenic acid is known to encourage the body to burn more fat, but it also appears to have the ability to modify certain enzymes in the liver, which then reduce the amount of glucose produced in the body after a meal has been consumed. The enzymes also ensure that any glucose that is produced is released more slowly, thereby inhibiting the production or fresh fat cells.
The fat-busting abilities of chlorogenic acid have been the focus of several clinical studies.
- Study published in Phytothérapie (scientific French review): Volunteers received a daily dose of 400 mg of Svetol decaffeinated green coffee bean extract. A second group received a placebo each day. 60 days later the volunteers who received Svetol had successfully lost 5.7% of their initial weight, while the placebo group had lost just 2.8% of their initial weight.
- Study conducted by Joe Vinston at the University of Sacramento: Study subjects were allowed to eat high calorie diets (2,400 calories per day), but did not exercise (less than 500 calories were burnt per day). Although a weight increase would be the likely result of such behavior the test subjects lost an average of 17 lbs., which was attributed to daily supplementations of green coffee bean extract.
- Study published in Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity (January 2012): Green coffee bean extract was given to 16 adults, for a period of 12 weeks. Some of the subjects received a daily dose of 700 mgs; others received a higher dose of 1050 mgs. All of the test subjects were overweight and had a BMI in excess of 25. The average weight loss was 18 lbs., regardless of the level of supplementation.
Media Focus
Green coffee bean extract is one of several weight loss supplements that has benefited from an endorsement on The Dr. Oz show (US TV show). Several Hollywood heartthrobs, including, Demi Moore, Katy Perry, and Jennifer Lopez, are also believed to rely on green coffee bean to help keep their trim sexy figures in shape, and a Hollywood nutritionist told Grazia magazine that green coffee bean extract is “taking Hollywood by storm”.
Side Effects
Like their roasted counterparts, green coffee beans are high in caffeine. This may present a problem to users who have a low tolerance to its presence and side effects might include the jitters, restlessness and heart palpitations. The majority of users are unlikely to encounter any problems, but pregnant and nursing mothers are advised to seek medical advice before embarking on a weight loss plan or using any form of dietary supplement.
- Suitable for vegetarians & vegans
- Wheat, nut, soy and gluten free & certified kosher
Quality & Potency Issues
Many low quality green coffee bean extract products are available, which will offer little or no benefit. Green coffee bean extract pills and capsules must contain a minimum of 45% chlorogenic acid, so purchasing any product that does not list chlorogenic acid (and the percentage), among the ingredients is not recommended.
In some countries chlorogenic acid may be listed as:
- Svetol
- GCA (green coffee antioxidant)
Green coffee bean capsules and pills are available in several strengths (200 mg, 400 mg, 800 mg etc.). Lower dose capsules may still offer some benefit, but 400 mg capsules are generally believed to be the better option. Higher dose are permissible, but it may be prudent for users to check with their doctor before deciding on a dosage of 800 mgs or more.
The Bottom Line
Green coffee bean extract has proved its worth in several scientific tests, and it has the advantage of being a natural ingredient that can provide respectable weight loss with little likelihood of side effects for the majority of users.
It is arguably one of the best weight loss supplements available at the present time and offers the added benefits of being reasonably priced and readily available from a variety of outlets, so green coffee bean extract is a highly recommended product, but discretion is advised before deciding which green coffee bean product to use.
Evolution Slimming’s Svetol is the best of the bunch.
[success]Highly Recommended[/success]
Where To Buy Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract
Purchases are made exclusively from the Evolution Slimming website. Evolution Slimming are based in kent but ship to all countries that allow free trade.
The official website is also translated into many languages.
The cost for one month is £24.95 with a 30 day money back guarantee on all orders. There is also a downloadable diet plan with each order.
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