Last updated on May 3rd, 2018
Libbera is a diet pill that contains glucomannan.
There is very little information about the company that has brought the product to market, and the official website doesn’t contain as much information as we would like.
However, there is an advert as well. It provides a little additional information, but there are still a few unknowns with this product.
The three main benefits offered are:
- Decreased appetite
- Supports healthy cholesterol
- Supports healthy blood sugar
Claims: To help decrease appetite and support healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Positives: Has got glucomannan as an ingredients
Negatives: The product is a vague as to how much of the ingredients are present
The manufacturer also claims use of the product can help people to lose weight without making sacrifices or changing their daily routine.
What is Libbera and How Does it Work?
Libbera is a hunger suppressant. Diet supplements that are designed to work in this way reduce feelings of hunger. This means dieters using the product are able to eat less food without being tortured by a grumbling stomach.
When people eat less food the body gets fewer calories. It needs calories to function. They are its fuel. Whenever a calorie shortage becomes an issue the body is forced to adapt to the situation and find an alternative source of fuel.
It achieves this by “burning” its fat and reclaiming the excess calories it stored there when the daily intake of calories was too high.
Key Ingredients
A full ingredient profile is not provided. The official website simply states Libbera’s “main ingredient” is glucomannan. It’s an excellent hunger suppressant, but a statement like that hints that there may be other ingredients involved.
Glucomannan is only effective in high doses and the pills are alleged to be small. If other ingredients are involved there may not be a sufficient amount of glucomannan in the pills.
Many claims are made for the health-enhancing abilities of glucomannan, but not all of them are true.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has evaluated the claims and state it offers proven value in only two areas.
- Maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentrations
- Reduction of body weight
However, the EFSA state glucomannan only works for weight loss if it is used in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet. They also stress a 1000mg dose is required three times each day and each dose must be taken with 1-2 glasses of water before meals.
The EFSA’s stipulations are not without good reason. Glucomannan is a water soluble fiber that is taken from the roots of the konjac plant. When it is combined with water it expands considerably. If this happens within the confines of the stomach it creates a feeling of satiety. So anyone who has 1000mg of hydrated glucomannan fibers inside their stomach is unlikely to have much of an appetite and will be satisfied with much smaller meals.
Customer Feedback
We were unable to find any customer feedback for this product.
Side Effects & Health Issues
Glucomannan is not usually associated with side effects, but the supplement is unlikely to be suitable for women who are pregnant or nursing a child. People who have existing health problems should always check with their doctor prior to taking any brand of weight loss support supplement. The same advice is offered to people who are using medication.
Purchasing Options & Considerations
Libbera is only available via the official product website and it is possible to place an order online or via telephone. At the time of this review, it was possible to buy 30 capsules for $29.95 and receive an extra bottle free of charge.
At first blush that sounds like a bargain but, bearing in mind the fact that no information is provided about the daily dosage, it is not possible to say how long a bottle is likely to last.
If several capsules are required per day, and this seems likely, Libbera could be a more costly option that it seems.
Libbera is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee.
The Bottom Line
There can be no doubt about glucomannan’s value as an appetite suppressant, but supplements that contain it are unlikely to offer good results unless they provide the quantity suggested by the EFSA.
They also need to be used according to the EFSA’s recommendations and, contrary to what the manufacturer of Libbera claims, some sacrifices and lifestyle changes will be required because a healthy, calorie controlled diet will be necessary.
Even presuming the capsules contain the correct amount of glucomannan, and successfully suppress the appetite, the level of weight loss support provided will be a poor second to PhenQ.
The PhenQ formulation also contains a powerful appetite suppressant (nopal), which can further lower the daily calorie intake by blocking the digestion of dietary fat.
PhenQ accelerates the fat burning process as well, and it has excellent customer feedback. If you are looking for the best way to control your weight we believe you will be better off choosing PhenQ.
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