Last updated on July 9th, 2018
Phentramin D is a diet pill designed to provide safe and effective weight loss and control. It’s manufactured in the USA by Lazarus Labs.
The company also markets a number of other health and wellness products but, although after sales service is good, they do not offer a money back guarantee that is longer than 30 days
With a name like “PHENTRAMIN-D” it’s obvious the pills are intended to attract the attention of dieters who are looking for an alternative to the prescription appetite suppressant, Phentermine.
But the sales material does not contain any claims in this regard and the name “Phentermine” is not mentioned at all. One of the most interesting things about the product is customers are given two choices.
They can buy the pills in capsule format, or they can buy them as a tablet. The price and the ingredient profile is the same, so it’s just a matter of personal preference.
Claims: To work like prescription diet pills
Positives: The company that manufacturers the product is well respected in the industry
Negatives: Not Really suitable for all. Not as effective as PhenQ in our opinion. Money back guarantee not long enough
Click to find out which diet pills are most popular and most effective
What is Phentramin D and How Does it Work?
Customers are promised four main benefits:
- Appetite suppression
- Increased energy
- Supercharged metabolism
- Turns your body into a 24/7 fat burning machine
If the formulation is capable of living up to these claims, dieters who take the pills should find it easier to make do with less food.
If this curbs their huger cravings sufficiently to cause a calorie shortage, the body will start burning its stores of fat as an alternative source of fuel. Such a calorie deficit could also result in lethargy, so the pills are designed to give energy levels a much-needed boost.
The metabolism governs how fast calories a burned.
A faster metabolism burns them faster, so a “supercharged metabolism” should cause them to be burned super-fast.
A claim like that looks good on paper, and who wouldn’t want to burn fat 24-hours a day? But will the ingredients be able to achieve any of this? Let’s take a look at that now.
What Is In Phentramin D – Key Ingredients
Phentramin D contain five active ingredients, but they are included in a proprietary blend and the inclusion rates are not provided.
It is also worth noting the ingredients are all stimulants. Some people have a low tolerance of stimulants, so a formulation such as this will not be suitable for all.
- Phenylethylamine Hydrochloride (PEA): An ingredient that may influence the “happy hormones” dopamine and serotonin. This could make eating less a little easier to cope with, but the presence of PEA is unlikely to directly support weight loss.
- 1,3.7 trimethylxanthine: The chemical name for caffeine. Regardless of the name it appears under, caffeine is one of the most popular diet pill ingredients in the world. It’s good for increasing energy, provides mild appetite suppression, and science shows it can boost the metabolism sufficiently to encourage fat burning.
- Synephrine Hydrochloride: A fat burning stimulant sourced from a species of citrus fruit (citrus aurantium). Research shows it has value as a weight loss provider, but combining it with so many other stimulants could be unwise.
- Hordenine Hydrochloride: A stimulant that is taken from the same fruit as synephrine. Hordenine is often credited with fat burning abilities, but there is a distinct lack of research to back up such claims.
- Yohimbine Hydrochloride: As with the other stimulants in the formulation, the presence of yohimbe should give energy levels a boost. It offers a number of other benefits and fat burning is one of them.
[info]Usage Instructions The pills should always be taken with an 8oz glass of water. The first pill of the day needs to be swallowed 20 minutes before breakfast. A second pill is required 20 minutes before lunch or during the early afternoon. Best results require the pills be used in conjunction with diet and exercise.[/info]
Phentramin D Customer Feedback
Some customers praise the product highly and claim it helped them to achieve good results. Other customers say PHENTRAMIN-D did nothing for them at all.
A few average reviews read:
[plain]”Nothing else helped, but PHENTRAMIN-D got the job done. I lost 20 pounds in four weeks. It’s so good to have finally found a diet pill that works.”[/plain]
[plain]”do yourself a favour and try something else. these pills won’t help you to loose weight. they only make you feel ill.” [/plain]
[plain]”My goal was to lose 30 pounds before my wedding day. These pills helped me to do it. I found it easy to eat less food because I didn’t feel so hungry. They gave be a good energy boost too. Highly recommended.”[/plain]
[plain]”These pills don’t work like Phentermine. They are a total waste of money. I never lost a single pound. All they did was make me feel anxious and dizzy.”[/plain]
Side Effects of Phentramin D
Phentramin D contains so many stimulants it will be unsuitable for pregnant or nursing mothers. Lazarus Labs also stress the product is not intended for people who have high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other medical condition.
They point out the pills should not be used alongside medication.
Where To Buy Phentramin D
Although the product appears to be available from a few independently-run online stores, it is probably best to buy Phentramin D from the manufacturer’s website.
The cost involved is the same (USD$ 67 -£55 equivalent) and customers purchasing directly from Lazarus Labs can be confident they will receive genuine product, not a counterfeit product of unknown origins.
There does not appear to be a money back guarantee.
The Bottom Line
It seems likely that anyone who uses this product alongside diet and exercise will find it easier to lose weight. It is also probable they will receive a significant energy boost, but overloading the body with stimulants is never a good idea.
There are other ways to go and anyone who finds they cannot tolerate so much stimulation will be unable to continue using the product.
Looking Elsewhere
If you looking for a diet pill that can mimic the positive effects of prescription dit pills – in particular Phentermine then look no further that PhenQ.
PhenQ is a highly effective appetite suppressant that can also burn excess body fat while blocking the accumulation of additional fat from consumed food.
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