Reports are surfacing within the weight loss industry of new diet pills that are made from purple chrysanthemum. Scientists are suggesting that the natural weight loss supplements can help women to drop a dress size in a matter of three months.
Clinical trials (as yet unconfirmed) have even gone as far as detailing some adults losing as much as half a stone in 12 weeks, this without sticking a diet or participating in a exercise regime.
Diet pills made from purple chrysanthemum are purported to be 4 times stronger than competing weight loss pills currently on the market – although where they have got this information and statistics is a mystery!
The other advantage is that there are reported side effects.
Purple Chrysanthemum and Its Weight Loss Benefits
Purple Chrysanthemum – or more specifically, Aster spathulifolius Maxim (ASM) is found typically in Korea and eaten as a vegetable. Researchers from Kyung Hee University hand picked dozens of adults with a weight problem to perform the trials. Participants (41 to be exact) where chosen who had a Body Mass Index of between 25 and 30, which is in Korea is classed as extremely overweight or obese.
Most participants had on average a 38 inch waist, were 5 foot 6 inches in height and were over 12 stone (168 pounds, 76kg)
The participants were separated into two control groups with one group taking diet pills made from Aster spathulifolius Maxim (ASM) extract, while the other were given a placebo (pills with no clinical value or effect). They were asked to take one pill after breakfast. Both groups were given advice what is considered to be a health diet and lifestyle but were not told to change their everyday habits. The groups were then monitored in terms of calorie intake.
Purple Chrysanthemum Weight Loss Results
After three months the participants that were taking the placebo did not return any noticeable change in their weight, BMI or attributes bit the group that were taking diet pills made from Purple Chrysanthemum were reported to have experienced a marked difference.
The group taking Purple Chrysanthemum had lost on average half a stone and had witness a significant change in their waistline – and dropping from 27 to 26 BMI (Body Mass Index)
Where Can I Buy Purple Chrysanthemum Diet Pills
As yet there is not a Purple Chrysanthemum diet pill on the market (or one containing Aster spathulifolius Maxim, ASM). Although the research has taken place there will be no doubt more extensive trials before a product is released.
What Is The Best Available Now
Arguably the best supplements for weight loss currently are those that offer multiple benefits and none typified this better than PhenQ.
PhenQ has been on the market for just a few years but is already a market leader in most countries. PhenQ contains ingredients that can help to burn unwanted existing fat, block the accumulation of new fat and also suppress appetite.
PhenQ is available direct from it’s own official website.
Click here to view more information on the benefits of PhenQ
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