Revolyn Review, is it just a rebranded Nuvoryn?

Last updated on August 13th, 2015

Revolyn bottle diet pillsRevolyn is a weight loss supplement produced by Nathans Naturals and primarily marketed via a UK-based website. There is also evidence of a second website based in France, but the site was not functioning at the time of this review.

Very little is known about the company, but it used to market a weight loss product called Nuvoryn, which now appears to have been discontinued.

People who try and visit the Nuvoryn website are automatically redirected to the Revolyn website and a close comparison of the ingredients used in the two products suggests Revolyn is nothing more than a rebranded version of Nuvoryn.

rejected diet pillClaims: To be an effective, natural weight loss product

Positives: Contains natural ingredients in a decent formula on paper

Negatives: The inclusion rates are lacking. The product appears to be a re-branded version of another that obtained a bad reputation.

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What is Revolyn and what does it do?

The Revolyn website provides a little information about each of the ingredients used in the formulation and some customer testimonials, but fails to explain how the formulation is supposed to work or the typical benefits users should expect.

The site does have a page that contains what appears to be a doctor’s testimonial, but the somewhat longwinded spiel slams other dieting products, denounces dieters who are seeking a magic pill, and merely states Revolyn is the result of years of research. The site provides no explanation about the way the capsules work or the probable benefits, but an onsite video suggests the formulation is designed to provide appetite suppression and fat burning.

As mentioned above Revolyn is remarkable similar to Nuvoryn – below are screenshots of the two websites side by side. Nuvoryn is reviewed here

Revolyn or Nuvoryn

Key Ingredients & Blend Potential

No inclusion rates are provided, but the Revolyn formulation apparently contains:

  • Green Tea: One of the most popular weight loss ingredients on the planet, green tea can speed up the metabolism and has proven fat burning capabilities. It is also rich in healthful antioxidants that are known to be extremely beneficial for the body. Green tea is definitely a worthy inclusion, but if the amount included is insufficient any benefits provided may be little to non-existent.
  • Guarana: A fruit-based ingredient that provides twice as much caffeine as coffee, but releases it more slowly. There can be no doubt about caffeine’s powers of stimulation, but its other abilities (appetite suppression + metabolism boosting) have not been so well publicised.
  • Yerba Mate: An ingredient taken from a shrub. In South American countries it is often brewed and enjoyed as beverage called “mate”. Yerba mate is quite a common inclusion in weight loss blends, but any weight loss abilities it may possess probably stem from its caffeine content, and the caffeine content of yerba mate is much lower than most other caffeine providers.
  • Resveratrol: An ingredient that is generally sourced from red grapes. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that offers many health benefits, but the claims made for its potential as a fat burner are somewhat enthusiastic. It is possible the ingredient may have merit, but most experts agree further study is required.
  • Siberian Ginseng: Ginseng is highly favoured in traditional Chinese medicine and there can be no argument about its powerful health-enhancing abilities, but its value as a weight loss provider has never been successfully proven in tests conducted on humans.
  • Pomegranate Extract: Pomegranates are very nutritious and the fruit’s high fibre content can make it useful for providing appetite suppression, but any high fibre benefits are likely to have been sacrificed in the refining process; so even if the quantity used her were sufficient (highly unlikely) it would be unlikely to offer much in the way of benefit.

[info]How to Take Revolyn – Two capsules are required each day—one in the morning and one in the evening. The capsules can be taken with or without meals. No other information is provided.[/info]

Customer Feedback

The Revolyn website contains numerous, lengthy comments that are attributed to satisfied product users. The site also boasts a profusion of before and after pictures that present a convincing argument for the product’s abilities as a weight loss aid. However, reviews from such a biased source are not to be relied upon and a little checking reveals the comments were originally placed on the now defunct Nuvoryn website.

[warning]The ScamBook website contains multiple complaints about both the product and Nathans Naturals.[/warning]

Side Effects, Health Issues & Supplementary Information

The FAQs page on the Revolyn website states the capsules should be safe for all users, even pregnant women, because the formulation contains only natural ingredients. Such a statement is highly irresponsible. Pregnant or nursing mothers should never use any brand of dietary supplement or should, at the very least, consult their doctor before doing so. The same advice holds true for people who have health problems or are taking any form of medication.


Revolyn is sold with a 30 day money back guarantee.

Purchasing Options & Considerations

Each bottle of Revolyn contains 60 capsules and costs £29.95 – £39.95 (depending on promotion) from the Revolyn website. Bulk buy discounts are available, with the best deal being offered to customers who purchase four bottles of pills and get an extra bottle thrown in for free. Shipping charges are waived on all orders of two bottles or more that are delivered to addresses in the UK and customers who order more than one bottle are also given several free beauty products.

What Do We Recommend

Buy PhenQAt SlimmersWeekly we review (or try to review) every diet product that comes onto the market. We have over the years experienced the good, the bad and the ugly – also receive countless comments on products we review to build up a pretty good idea of what customer like and what they don’t.

Revolyn is an example of what customers do not like. PhenQ, on the other hand is the complete other end of the spectrum.

Read more on PhenQ here

About Natalie Jay 279 Articles
Natalie Jay is a writer and freelance journalist specialising in the weight loss industry. She has a strong background in writing product reviews and writes accordingly. Natalie is the head of editorial team of several health related websites. You can read more about Natalie Here

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