Skinny Fiber UK – Positives, Negatives and Side Effects

Last updated on September 11th, 2015

Skinny Fiber UKSkinny Fiber is yet another weight loss pill that claims to work miracles.  Unlike other so-called magic bullets though, this product has the added benefit of appearing to be a pyramid scheme at the same time!

A lengthy overview of the Skinny Fiber website provides little information on the pills beyond sensational claims.

Potential customers can, however, find out about winning “awesome” prizes, like T-shirts and certificates of achievement, and a chance at a $1000.00 cash bonus.  They can also find out about “sharing the challenge”- basically earning money for referring people to skinny fiber.

rejected diet pillClaims: Promises to be a new approach to weight loss and ideal for anyone who has found difficulty dieting

Positives: There are not that many that if the truth were to be told

Negatives: Use of auto-ship is questionable. Very over hyped product – others preferred

What Is It and How Does It Work

Official website of Skinny Fibre for UKSkinny Fiber claims to work by finally giving your body the confidence to be ready to lose the weight, but what that actually means remains unclear.  Truth be told, the explanation page on the official website does not do much explaining.

Further investigation on the Internet reveals other sites with skinny fiber in the name that recommend that 2 pills be taken at least 30 minutes before the user’s two biggest meals of the day.  It is noted that some users take less and some take more, so again there is a measure of ambiguity.

It is stressed that a full 8oz of water be taken with the pills.  The pill ingredients swell to fill the stomach and prevent hunger.  Taken properly, the pills should reduce the amount of food consumed.  They also contain fat burners and enzymes.

Skinny Fiber is sold in bottles of 120 pills for around £40.00 / $60.00.  At the minimum recommended dosage of 4 pills per day, one bottle should last 30 days.  To participate in the “90 day challenge” consumers will need at least 3 bottles for a minimum expenditure of £120.00 / $180.00.

[info]It is important to note that this information was not readily available on the main website. Even clicking the “Order Here” or “Take the Challenge” links requires visitors to first input the name of the Distributer that referred them, further reinforcing the perception that this is a diet-fad pyramid scheme.[/info]

Key Ingredients

Cha de Bugre in Skinny FibreSkinny Fiber contains Caralluma, Chá de Bugre, and Glucomannon along with 7 enzymes.  Caralluma is a cactus from India.  Its extract is used to decrease appetite.  Chá de Bugre is a Brazilian tree whose fruit resembles a coffee bean.

It is believed to suppress appetite and aid weight loss, but there is no scientific research to confirm its effectiveness.  Glucomannon is a sugar derived from the Konjac plant (also known as Devil’s Tongue).  This ingredient is used as a thickener in foods, and in these pills it is the component reputed to swell and prevent overeating. [Cha De Bugre on WebMD]

The various enzymes are supposed burn fat, or break down other substances in the body.  The problem with the ingredients is that the amount of each is not given, so consumers have no way of knowing if they are getting an effective dose or not.

Additionally, the ingredients are not easily discovered on the main official web site, and curious consumers have to do a bit of digging on the Internet to find the list.

Skinny Fiber Side Effects

Chá de Bugre can interact with Lithium.  Those taking Lithium should consult their doctor before using this product.  A Skinny Fiber FAQ website notes loss of appetite and increased bowel movements have been reported.

While people looking to miracle pills for dieting help might welcome either one of these on the surface, both can actually be quite dangerous and result in malnutrition or dehydration respectively.

As always, pregnant or nursing women and anyone with a health condition should consult their physician before beginning this or any weight-loss regimen.

Bottom Line… Is It Recommended?

Short answer: No.  The only redeeming quality about this product is that it doesn’t try too hard to come off as a healthy or scientific approach to weight loss.

It blatantly targets overweight people who are looking for instant gratification, both in the form of quick effortless weight loss and worthless incentive merchandise, and those who are susceptible to get rich quick schemes.

Skinny Fiber does not attempt to insult your intelligence by pretending to be more than it is – a sham product, wrapped up in a pyramid scheme aimed at a vulnerable population- and for that at least buyers should be thankful.

[error]Not Recommended[/error]

Where To Buy Skinny Fiber In The UK

The official website is the only stockists as far as a UK customer is concerned. Not likely to be stocked in Boots, Superdrug or Holland and Barrett

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About Natalie Jay 279 Articles
Natalie Jay is a writer and freelance journalist specialising in the weight loss industry. She has a strong background in writing product reviews and writes accordingly. Natalie is the head of editorial team of several health related websites. You can read more about Natalie Here

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